Friday, April 20, 2012

Friday Favs

It's been a while since I've had a chance to give you some of my Friday Favorites.
Blame it on life, work, loss of motivation, laziness, and outright lack of inspriration.

Sperrys = Summer

  • Perfect summer style, I've got to get my hands on a few of these skirts
  • Everyone should remember this
  • Who wouldn't want to spend a few hours here with a good book and a loved one?
  • Camera lovin'
  • Minty chocolate goodness
  • Another perfect find with all the summer sun ahead of us
  • "And it was exactly what it needed to be"
  • Weekly dose of cuteness

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

This Morning

We're only a few hours into the day and I'm already wishing the hours away,
 thinking of all the places I'd rather be.

Where would you rather be right now?

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or here, breathing cool minty air.
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Tuesday, April 17, 2012


Last night was the first night that actually felt like summer in this neck of the woods.
I was tempted to pull out my fan and dust off "winter,"
but decided to enjoy the first few warm nights before the impending suffocating heat of the months to come.

Here are a few pretty finds that make me even more excited for summertime.

I'm a sap for paper wrapped flowers
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