Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Its Times Like These...

I've learned that people will forget what you said,
people will forget what you did,
but people will never forget how you made them feel.
-Maya Angelou


At times like these, in a small town like mine, you all become family.
Whether you met him or not, you feel it.
You passed him on the street, you had drinks at the bar,
you watched from the sidelines of their crazy antics,
you have friends who were practically his family.

People will judge; do so quickly.
They will say tasteless hurtful things; without a second thought.
People will flock to be a part of all of this because they "knew" him.
Having set foot in the same town is not "knowing" him.

My heart goes out to those who truly did. To those that will forever hold him in their heart.
Your memories of him will bring strength in the days, weeks and years to come.
Those warm (many of them undoubtedly hilarious) memories
will continue to overpower the foolish insensitive negativity.

"...it's in the times of tragedy that you really realize who your real friends are."
Turn to those that love you; those that will always be there for you.
Don't forget to breathe.
And most importantly,  never miss the chance to tell those you love, just how much you do.

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