Wednesday, October 27, 2010

heres an idea...

if you dont mean it,

dont say it


I always tell the girls,
never take it seriously, if you never take it seriosuly,
you never get hurt, if you never get hurt, 
you always have fun,
and if you ever get lonely,
just go to the record store and visit your friends.
-Penny Lane, Almost Famous

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Friday, October 22, 2010

You're Heavy On My Heart

   a few things to get you through the weekend...



Thursday, October 21, 2010


Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Over the past few months I've been bitten by the travel bug.
I'll go just about anywhere
and my wish list of travel destinations
continues to grow exponentially.
Here's a few pictures from my recent adventures.

July was definitely one of my most travel packed months. I am lucky enough (or not so lucking depending on how you look at it) to have my best friend live in California. {shes the pretty lady to the right} No-she never lived on the east coast, and I never lived on the west coast. We've got a pretty romantic story to the beginning of our friendship. We met as pen pals in fourth grade. We've been pretty inseperable ever inseperable as you can be when there's 2,704 miles between you.

One of the perks of a bi-coastal friendship is the gorgeous California weather. Although my trip happened to be abnormally chilly for July in LA, we spent most of our time at the beach club soaking up as much sun as possible, enjoying great food and even better company while wrapping up the night with too many drinks to count (including wine to go in extra large fountain soda cups).

 Throughout the ten days with my second family came many photo opportunities. Some of which were captured, many of which were missed.
This photo has got to be one of my favorites from this years trip.

Also in July I made the five hour drive through Friday rush hour traffic complete with an amazing thunderstorm to visit one of my very best friends. It was such a treat to spend the weekend with the Jensens. Since marrying Jeff in May, Cait has moved to Long Island. We had a perfect weekend of relaxing, baking, movies, Ikea and I finallllly got to have breakfast at the infamous Toast. I cannot wait to go back to visit, although I am more excited for them to move much much closer to home.

Labor Day weekend was spent in Skaneateles, NY at my familys lake house. Early September is hit or miss in Upstate New York. This weekend happened to be freezing. Regarless of the weather the quick two night trip was perfectly relaxing filled with good books, wine, sweat pants, sudoku and of course good food and Black Bottom Cupcakes.

Mid September found me in Chicago for a whirlwind weekend of firsts.

It was the first time I've seen my friend Jess in over two years,  first time I've ever been to Chicago, first time I met her son Brandyn, first time I met her boyfriend Andy, and we celebrated Brandyn's first birthday.

Luckily this will not be the last time I do any of the things listed above (well except Brandyn wont have another first birthday).

Hopefully another two years wont go by before I get to see this adorable little boy again.

Check back over the weeks to come for more of my travel updates.
Up next on the agenda? Two weekends of birthday celebrations,
Florida in November, NYC and Puerto Rico in December.
What destinations are on your travel wish list?

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


fall in love or fall in hate.
get inspired or be depressed.
ace a test or flunk a class.
make babies or make art.
speak the truth or lie and cheat.
dance on a table or sit in the corner.
life is devine chaos. embrace it.
forgive yourself. breathe.
and enjoy the ride...

Monday, October 18, 2010


while aimlessly wandering the
infinity of the internet
cutest website
ive seen
in a very long time
or possibly ever.

check it out.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Harriet Winslow

Five Years
It blows my mind how quickly time flies.
This is Kristy.
Also known as Harriet... or Krystal.
This year will be the fifth year of celebrating birthdays together.
Harriets birthday is just 15 days before mine, but a whole year later.
We've progressed from celebrating with
underage drinking in itty bitty two bedroom apartments
to black out party bus trips into Philadelphia for her 21st
to renting out a bar for our joint 23rd and 24th birthday extravaganza.
Sadly, we no longer live with 10 steps between our bedrooms.
I no longer wake up to her rummaging
through my closets for an outfit.
We rarely get to eat our signature dinner
[grilled cheese, salad and soup]
while watching dvr episdoes of various tv shows.
Although we dont live together (or even in the same county)
she gets me.
And she will always be one of my best friends.
She always knows how to cheer me up.
She always knows she can come to me
to teach her about some rediculous topic.
I can always rely on her
to send me a selfie piture while she is
doing a variety of tasks.
No matter how ordinary or outrageous.

I'm so happy to call you my friend.
Love Always,

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Feeny: ...Believe in yourselves. Dream. Try. Do good.
Topanga: Don't you mean do well?
Feeny: No. I mean do good.
{photo here}

i would rather be...

now that we're well into october
the nights come much quicker and mornings are much darker
needless to say my internal struggle
to get out of bed before 6am and get my butt to the gym
has become more frequent.

at almost any given moment throughout the day
i would rather be...

 {pictures from lonnymag}

curled up under a blanket
trying to keep warm from the
chill of the fall air
with a loved one
[or a book, or a movie]
just simply relaxing
without a care in the world
Dont these look like lovely places to spend the day?

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

i love october

October is a wonderful month.
Fall weather, fall baking, lots of friends birthdays, (Red) October baseball, Halloween, and my own birthday.
Today is a dear friends birthday.

Christine and I met years ago in highscool. (who would have thought that two people that are such opposites would become lifelong friends?)
As most friendships go, we've been through it all.
I can always count on her.
She'll always be there for me to turn to, she'll listen, give some advice, make me laugh, buy me a drink, and leave me alone at the bar after being easily distracted.
Then she will call me the next morning (more like afternoon/evening) and fill me on on what crazy adventure she ended up on. (If you ever need a good story shes the girl to go to)
Its all of these things that make me love her.
I cant wait to see what else the future will bring to our friendship.
Happy 24th Stinky!
I love you.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Theres a First Time for Everything

This past weekend I took my friend Courtney to her first visit to the Aquarium. 
Yes, I said first visit.
Yes, she is 22.
Because of this I of course had to document our entire trip.

Sunday, October 3, 2010


A few years ago I met one of my dearest friends.
Although we may not talk every day, or even every week, she means more to me than she knows.
Life goes on and things change.
Some of the changes in our lives over the past few years have put hundreds of miles between us and have brought the cutest little boy to us.
Meet Brandyn Jess' beautiful baby boy.
He is hands down top ten cutest kid ever.
In September I was lucky enough to travel to Chicago with my friend Christie to visit Jess and celebrate Brandyn's first birthday.
Take a look at some of the pictures from our trip and I dare you to show me a cuter kid.

Brandyn & his beautiful mama Jess.

Just whipped up some duckie cupcakes for the birthday party...



Best. Sugar. Cookies. Ever.