Friday, June 29, 2012

Friday Favorites.

This week Friday is my favorite.
And this quote.

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  • I want this shirt. asap.
  • Green maxi. White tee. Simple & amazing.
  • I not so secretly want my hair like this. Sadly my CEO would have a coronary.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012


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Friday, June 15, 2012

Friday Favorites

This week was a rough one. With two double shifts, trying to get back into a gym routine,
caring for an entire house on my own and everything else that comes with life these days,
I'm so happy it's finally Friday.
Here are a few of my favorite things.

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  • I want to go somwhere that I can wear this dress with these shoes. ASAP.
  • Instant margaritas? Yes please.
  • Perfect Summer wardrobe essentials.
  • Sons of Anarchy needs to come back already. I'm becoming restless.
  • If you ever want (or need) to get on my good side, this is how to do it.
  • Cutest. Pup. Ever.

Monday, June 11, 2012


"I love people who make me laugh. I honestly think it's the thing I like most, to laugh.
It cures a multitude of ills. It's probbaly the most important thing in a person."
-Audrey Hepburn

This past weekend was filled with A LOT of laughter. And it was wonderful.
It was a nearly perfect weekend.
Friends, laughter, good drinks, good food, summer weather, good music.
I'm hoping for many more weekends just like this.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012



Photo Courtesy: pattyyymartin

Monday, June 4, 2012


I found this on Pinterest (where else?) and decided to use it as the beginning of my summer checklist.

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Whats on your summer to do list??

Friday, June 1, 2012

Friday Favs...and a Whole Month

Once again life happened and blogging didnt.
Oh well. I'm over it.

Here are a few of my most favorite finds from Pinterest lately.


Friday, April 20, 2012

Friday Favs

It's been a while since I've had a chance to give you some of my Friday Favorites.
Blame it on life, work, loss of motivation, laziness, and outright lack of inspriration.

Sperrys = Summer

  • Perfect summer style, I've got to get my hands on a few of these skirts
  • Everyone should remember this
  • Who wouldn't want to spend a few hours here with a good book and a loved one?
  • Camera lovin'
  • Minty chocolate goodness
  • Another perfect find with all the summer sun ahead of us
  • "And it was exactly what it needed to be"
  • Weekly dose of cuteness

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

This Morning

We're only a few hours into the day and I'm already wishing the hours away,
 thinking of all the places I'd rather be.

Where would you rather be right now?

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or here, breathing cool minty air.
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Tuesday, April 17, 2012


Last night was the first night that actually felt like summer in this neck of the woods.
I was tempted to pull out my fan and dust off "winter,"
but decided to enjoy the first few warm nights before the impending suffocating heat of the months to come.

Here are a few pretty finds that make me even more excited for summertime.

I'm a sap for paper wrapped flowers
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Friday, March 23, 2012


I've been waiting for today for a longggg time.
Almost a full year to be exact.
In a few short hours I'll be roadtripping to celebrate one of my best's birthday.
Have a great weekend!


Wednesday, March 21, 2012

In. Love.

After sharing this video with my bff yesterday, I got these messages:

"Could not be more obsesssed with Justin Vernon if I tried. Hello sexy. This video rocks. He should be replicated for single women everywhere."

and I could not agree more.

Hope you enjoy this as much as I do.

Friday, March 16, 2012


Only ONE more day until the best day of the year.
Since it's not a secret how much I love this holiday, or how much I love Kate Spade,
here are a few of my green (and blue) KS favorites.










While peruing the site I also found this little gem.
Such a shame its for a blackberry, I'm loving it.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Four days until my favorite day ever.
Yesterday I mentioned that blue is in fact the real color of St. Patrick's Day.
Here are some of my recent blue finds.
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Blue and green ombre nails <3.
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Perfectly simply.
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Who wouldn't rather be there?
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Monday, March 12, 2012


The countdown is offically on.
Only 5 more days until my favorite day of the year.
Here's a few things to get you in the holiday spirit.

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Kelly Green subway tiles? be still my heart.
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Sheer green and a YSL? yes please.
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Fun fact of the day: The actual color of St. Patricks Day is blue.
But you know me and my deep rooted love for all things green,
I couldnt pass up an opportunity to overload AL with my favorite color.
Check back tomorrow for some of my favorite blues.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Friday Favs

Lots of Friday lovin' for you today, so I'll keep this short and sweet.
Although my weekend plans aren't panning out quite like I hoped, I plan to enjoy every second of it.
Hopefully you all do the same!

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  • Swoon. Tory Burch's glorious estate.
  • I have my own Instax Mini but I must get my hands on the Wide version as well!
  • Perfect spring/summer treat.
  • I wish I had this for my favorite holiday next weekend.
  • I've without a doubt beome obsessed with watches. I simply cannot stop buying them!
    Look how amazing these two are here and here.
  • Definitely need to do this or this to a patricular pair of pants.
    [yes, dk, there is still a scar from that little fall of mine.]
    Just some more wrist bling. I told you I'm obsessed.
  • Lovee this tote, for SO many reasons.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Thursday Threads

Today's quite the tease of Spring weather and has me itching for some wardrobe updates.
Here are a few of my favorite finds.

This just yells summer and comfort and would be perfect for a casual summer party.
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Green blazer, white dress? It's love.
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Can't wait to do this myself. Weekend project anyone?
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Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Kitchen Lovin'

Add some kelly green and this is my dream kitchen.
I'm telling ya. I'd die for this.


Piece of Pretty

Just a quick little piece of something pretty to start your morning off right!
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Monday, March 5, 2012

March Fifth


Friday, March 2, 2012

Friday Favs

I've been waiting all week to write a post.
But as it sometimes does, life got busy. Life has been getting in the way alot lately.
Mainly because this is my new motto. And I'm loving it.

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Here are a few things that have caught my eye amidst the enjoyable blur of life.

  • Obsessed with the "____ = LOVE" print at the very end of this post. The beginning, middle and end of this are equally amazing but I cannot wait to print that out and frame it.
  • I must find the perfect Chambray shirt
  • Mint Rolex anyone? Who would resist that beauty?
  • Max's "Dear Baby" letters have been melting my heart since January. What a beautiful way to start some sibling love.
  • My dearest other half is back at her blog. This time with bits and pieces of hometown loving. Find one of my favorite new posts here.
  • Todays dose of cuteness
The lovely view from one of my favorite spots ever. Tiny tables and all.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


I could NOT agree more.

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Friday, February 10, 2012

Another Week Already Gone

Lately the days seem to be flying by much faster than normal.
I cannot believe that it is already February 10th.
I'm hoping to have a chance to sit back and take everything in sometime soon,
until then I'm thoroughly enjoying living life to the fullest.

  • My bff starting blogging again. Take a peek at her lovely little blog about her favorite city.
  • Lots of old frames hanging around? Try some of these DIY options.
  • Yearning for some elbow patches on the perfect sweater
  • How adorable are these for the ever so quickly approaching Valentines Day???
  • & as always, a little bit of anchor love
  • p.s. if you're still looking for my Valentines Day present, get this. I'll love you forever.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Three Years

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Just one of many things she's taught me in the three years since she's been gone.
Missing you every day beautiful friend. 

Monday, February 6, 2012


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